Happy New Year, Baltimore Event, 65th Birthday Reunion
Happy New Year and Happy 65th Birthday to the [Notable] Class of ’74!
Although the Cornell campus is quiet during the semester break, your class officers are busy planning two events for our birthday year.
First is a Cornell Classes of the ’70s reception in Baltimore.
Join classmates at Pratt Street Ale House, Baltimore’s oldest brewpub, located just blocks from the inner harbor at 206 West Pratt Street, on Friday, February 3 from 6:45-9:30 pm. Join ’74 classmates and other ’70s grads for a fun evening featuring free hot hors d’oeuvres, a cash bar, and lively company. Cost is $15 in advance or $20 at the door. We expect a good crowd at the reception and already have at least a dozen ’74 classmates signed up to attend. Click here to register. Questions, contact Class of 1974 VP Steve Piekarec at spiekare@verizon.net.
Also on the horizon is a 65th Birthday Reunion on campus June 8-11, 2017.
Classmates Perry Jacobs and Bob Baldini are planning a fun weekend for all of us who like our 5-year reunions but wish we could see classmates more often. This is the official Cornell Reunion weekend so you can take advantage of all the official reunion events including performances, tours, and lectures. (Note that this is in addition to and not a substitute for our official 45th reunion which will take place in June 2019.)
Our 65th Birthday Reunion housing will be at Cornell’s Sheldon Court in Collegetown. Last year’s prices for Reunion housing, breakfasts and non-alcoholic drinks/snacks in the dorm lounge were one night $79 and two nights $158. This year’s prices will be similar. For meals, continental breakfasts are included with housing. Lunches will be on your own and options include several on-campus all-alumni venues, hot truck subs, or Collegetown or downtown Ithaca restaurants. Class dinners and cocktails on Friday and Saturday will be on campus. Prices, although not finalized, will be close to what was charged at our recent 2014 reunion: $50 for Friday and $77 for Saturday, tax and tip included.
No class in Cornell history has ever undertaken a non-reunion-year reunion. To finalize the 65th Birthday Reunion arrangements and create a great celebration, we need to get an idea of how many people might attend. IF YOU ARE AT ALL INTERESTED, please help us out by answering this very short 7-question survey. Click here for survey.
Questions about the 65th birthday reunion should be sent to Perry atcornell1974reunion@gmail.com or Bob at bbaldini34@gmail.com.
Hope to see you in Baltimore in February, Ithaca in June, or at another Cornell event soon.
Dale Lazar
President [Notable] Class of ’74