New President, 65th Birthday Reunion, Trustee Election

It’s a busy spring at Cornell. Our 14th president, Martha Pollack, began her new job in Day Hall April 17. Hunter Rawlings, interim president for the past ten months, is returning to the Washington DC area to enjoy a delayed and well-deserved retirement. Our new president, Martha Pollack, was most recently provost at University of Michigan. At Cornell, she is a professor of computer science, information science, and linguistics. Read more here about Martha and her initial impressions of Cornell.

June is party time for our class! We have planned a terrific 65th birthday party reunion which will take place at Cornell’s Reunion weekend in Ithaca June 8-11. For all of us who love our 5-year reunions but wish we could see classmates more often, this will be a great opportunity for a fun get-together. And it’s the first time our class has held a non-Reunion year Reunion.

Plan to join us for this weekend which includes dinners, Reunion concerts and lectures, tent parties, athletic opportunities and more. Cornell provides us with Non-Reunion Year housing in Sheldon Court, a Cornell residence hall in Collegetown across the gorge from the Law School which is convenient to campus and close to restaurants. Our Class of ‘74-specific events include a Friday evening dinner at Rulloff’s in Collegetown and a Saturday dinner and birthday party at Statler. For lunch, classmates can meet up with old or new friends at various eateries on campus, in Collegetown or in downtown Ithaca. (If you haven’t yet checked out the new Ithaca Commons downtown, you’ll be pleasantly surprised!)

Classmates near and far have already committed to attending the 65th birthday reunion. Questions about the reunion should be directed to Bob Baldini at To register for the weekend click here.

Finally, this is the time of year to vote for Cornell Alumni Trustees. Did you know that 8 of the 64-member Cornell Board of Trustees are alumni-elected? Your vote matters, so please take a few minutes to read about the six candidates and vote here by May 1.

Hope to see you at the 65th birthday reunion in June. Happy Spring!


Dale Lazar
President [Notable] Class of ’74