Our 45th Reunion is just 2 months away! April 8, 2019/in Front Page, Welcome Letters /by Shelley Cosgrove DeFord It’s time to start making your travel plans and register for our 45th Reunion in Ithaca, June 6-9. Any questions, email Reunion Chair Shelley Cosgrove DeFord ’74 at scdeford@gmail.com. Hope to see you on the Hill! For more information and to register click here. http://cornell74.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/FullSizeRender-4-e1561591606414.jpg 195 174 Shelley Cosgrove DeFord http://cornell74.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/cornell_trans_logo.png Shelley Cosgrove DeFord2019-04-08 17:12:492019-04-08 17:12:17Our 45th Reunion is just 2 months away!