50th Reunion–What You Missed
Whether you made it to Cornell for our 50th Reunion or not, we want to share some of the weekend’s highlights with you. Even if you were in Ithaca, you may have missed some events or just want to relive them. I know I did, and I do!

Cornell Class of 1974 Reunion photo June 2024
Thursday night’s highlight was a wonderful talk by Cornell Historian Corey Earle ’07 in which he entertained our standing-room-only crowd with a look back at our time on the Hill. Watch Corey’s slideshow here.
Friday’s Olin Lecture, a Cornell Reunion tradition since 1987, featured journalist Andrew Ross Sorkin ’99, on campus to celebrate his own 25th Reunion. Watch that lecture here.
President Martha Pollack gave the State of the University Address on Saturday as is the custom on Reunion weekend. This address, however, is President Pollack’s final address as our President. Watch it here.
Saturday evening ended with the spectacular Cornelliana Night at Bailey Hall featuring the Cornell Alumni Chorus and Alumni Glee Club singing multiple Cornell songs, one of which included a special solo by our classmate Jay Spiegel. The sing-along concert also featured a lively rendition of our Class of ’74 50th Reunion theme song Dancing in the Moonlight.
Please enjoy watching all of these. And watch and rewatch our Class Slideshow. Check in often to see the Reunion photos being posted daily by classmates on our Class Photo Site . Password for these is notable.
Don’t forget to create or update your Memory Book page. And there is still time to make that gift to Cornell to help us meet our goal—please do this by June 30.
Enjoy the memories and keep dancing in the moonlight!