A New Class of ’74 Voice–Meet Bill Walker

Happy New Year!

For those who were able to attend, I hope that you enjoyed (and still vividly remember) our 50th Reunion in Ithaca with all of the attendant activities.  Events such as the RED Talks and opportunities to connect or reconnect with classmates including John Williams, founder, owner and winemaker of Frog’s Leap Winery (hopefully you also tasted some of his wines that were being poured) and other myriad choices for involvement kept us entertained all weekend.

In the event that you are wondering, yes, this is a new “voice” that you have not previously heard from on this channel.  You also may not have heard that I have accepted the request to fill the VP of Membership role, responsible for leading the membership related activities for our class.  Just like Costco has done with the price of their hot dogs, we continue to hold the annual membership dues at the same level year after year – $30 for an individual and $35 for a couple (both in the Class of ’74). More on that in another message.

Here is a list of current class dues payers.   If your name is not on the list but you think that it should be, please reply to this message and let us know and we will check the records.  And if you want to pay your dues for this year (July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025) right now while you are thinking about it,  just click here.

In past years we have sponsored or co-sponsored many events for Class of ’74 members and are now in the process of developing plans for more activities involving our class including some that will encompass some of the surrounding classes (’72, ’73, ’75, etc.).  You should soon be receiving a survey that is being sent to all of our class members.  We hope that you will respond so that you can let us know what types of activities that you would like to see going forward as this will assist us in the planning process.

If you did not receive this message directly, it is likely that we do not have your current contact information.  Please send a message to me that  includes your name, preferred email address and contact information so that we can update the records.

We endeavor to keep the lines of communication open so we hope that you will stay in touch – and be on the lookout for the upcoming survey.

Class Membership

You should have received a letter in the mail from us a few weeks ago, encouraging you to join/rejoin our [Notable] Class of 1974 for this coming year.  Thank you to the many who responded so quickly!   It’s heartening to have your support.  (If you didn’t get our letter, you may need to update your profile information at CornellConnect.)

Membership Mailing

For those of you who have not responded because:


(a)  You’ve “misplaced” the mailing  that’s OK, you can use the links or options in this email instead.

(b)  You haven’t joined in years (or you’ve never done this before) → we welcome you with open arms.

(c)  You have it on your to-do list for tomorrow → Great!  Thanks in advance!

(d)  You are not sure you want to join → Well, we hope you do decide to join.  One of the things that has become apparent after a year of relative isolation during the pandemic is the importance of staying connected and engaged.  Although we’re not completely back to normal, we do have a number of virtual events in the works, and we’ll certainly add in-person events as we can. 


Class Dues for the year 2021-22 are just $30 (or $35 for a couple).  The easiest way to pay your dues is online.  Go to alumni.cornell.edu/classes and scroll down to “Pay class dues.”  Alternatively, you can mail in your dues (make checks payable to “Class of 1974”) to Cornell University, Box 37333, Boone, IA, 50037-0333, or you can pay by phone at (607) 255-3021. 


Stay well, and stay in touch by visiting our class website at cornell74.org, joining our Facebook group Cornell Class of 1974, sharing your news with your classmates in Cornell Class Notes, or stopping by (virtually) at the Class of ‘74 Party Suite before the Cornell Global Mixers that are held every two weeks. 



Best wishes, and remember to keep June 2024 open for our 50th Reunion!

Stay Engaged with Our Class and Pay Class Dues for ’21/22

What a year it’s been! The COVID-19 pandemic touched each of our lives in some way, and most of us felt the concomitant increase in isolation—not seeing family and friends as much or at all, missing our 50th high school reunions, canceling trips, dealing with health care issues alone, not being able to be there for others. But, with vaccines becoming more available, there is hope for an end to all of this.

The uptick of virtual gatherings during the pandemic certainly helped combat the isolation, but it’s so nice to actually be with people, isn’t it? Luckily, our Cornell 50th Reunion is a little over three years away, and we should be able to have large, in-person events by then. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have record-breaking attendance on campus? We think so.

Along those lines, we’d like to encourage you to join/rejoin our Class of 1974 for this coming year and to get active with our class. We have a number of virtual events planned, and it won’t be long before we’ll be able to add back in some in-person get-togethers.

Class dues are just $30 (or $35 for a couple). Note that there is no extra charge for the magazine this year because Cornell is launching a new alumni communications hub this summer (read all about it online) and the Cornell Alumni Magazine (CAM) is publishing its nal issue in May 2021.

Last year we asked you to help us make it to the #1 position for class membership. Well, we did it—we had more dues payers in the Class of 1974 than in any other class, from the Class of 1945 through to the Class of 2019 (well, we only squeaked by the Class of 1969 by 6 points and the Class of 1964 by 2 points, but it’s still good). Let’s keep our record going!

The easiest way to pay your dues is to pay online. Go to alumni.cornell.edu/classes, and scroll down to “Pay class dues.” Alternatively, you can complete the enclosed dues card and pay via check (made payable to “Class of 1974”) or credit card. Mail it to Cornell University, Box 37333 Boone, IA, 50037-0333. You may also pay by phone at (607) 255-3021.

If you are accustomed to having your class dues paid by automatic renewal (AR), please note that you will have to sign up for that again because Cornell recently changed their dues system and canceled all ARs. Don’t worry. It’s easy to get back on the AR list. Just pay your dues as outlined above, then check off the box saying you want to renew annually to the same credit card number provided. You will be set for future years.

Don’t forget to stay in touch with our Class by visiting our website , or join our Facebook group, “Cornell Class of 1974.”

Stay healthy, and see you at the 50th in 2024!

Patty von Reyn
Membership Co-Chair [Notable] Class of ’74 pbvonr@gmail.com

Dennis Langley
Membership Co-Chair [Notable] Class of ‘74 dennis81652@gmail.com

Introducing our new Membership Chairs–Patty von Reyn and Dennis Langley

Earlier, in our “middle years,” many of us found ourselves laden with heavy work and family commitments that often kept us from being as connected to Cornell as we may have wanted. Retiring from full-time work can be accompanied by a certain pull to reconnect with the people and places that have been a part of our lives. Retired or not, you may yourself have felt this more keenly during the coronavirus pandemic these past few months. For those of you who were able to make it to our 45th Reunion this past June, you know how nice it was to come back to Ithaca, to breathe in that fresh air, to attend lectures without the dread of a prelim hanging overhead, to reminisce with classmates, and to meet new friends. There is something comforting about finding others who share many of the same formative experiences as we, and it’s delightful to connect with those who have followed wildly different paths since then.

We’re devoted to helping you in your efforts to forge stronger ties to your classmates and to Cornell. As a means of introduction, we are Patty von Reyn and Dennis Langley, the new Membership Co-Chairs for the Class of 1974. We’re humbly following in the worthy footsteps of Jodi Sielschott Stechschulte, who did a superb job as Membership Chair for the last five plus years.

Class membership is an indicator of the vibrancy of an alumni group. Did you know that the [Notable] Class of ‘74 is consistently near the top of the yearly membership list that tracks the 75 most-recent Classes at Cornell? In 2018, the Class of 1974 made it to the #1 position—we had more dues-paying members than any Cornell class from 1943 to 2017! We’re so fortunate to be part of an active and welcoming alumni class. Please help our Class make it to the #1 position for 2020-21 by joining now and paying your dues.

When you pay your dues, it supports Class of ‘74 alumni activities like reunions, Homecoming tailgates, receptions, and other functions around the country. It also makes class communication possible—class website, class photo gallery, monthly emails—keeping us up to date with each other, the Cornell campus, and upcoming events. In addition, dues-paying members have access to the Cornell Big Red Marketplace, where there are great discounts on everything from restaurants to movie tickets to travel. Dues payers also have access to reduced-price subscriptions to the award-winning Cornell Alumni Magazine.

Please take a moment to join our Class and pay your dues. Our [Notable] Class of ’74 dues remain the same as last year:

Individual — $60 with magazine or $30 Dues only
Class Couple — $65 with magazine or $35 Dues only
You may also sign up for Auto-Renewal, and Cornell will charge your credit card on July 1 each year. (This is the best if you, like me, are never quite sure if you are current!)

The easiest way to pay your dues is online, click here or search for Cornell Alumni Dues—it’ll get you there, and under the Class Dues paragraph, select pay online. Alternatively, you can send a check for $60 per individual, $65 per couple, or $30/$35 for no magazine, payable to Cornell Class of 1974, to Box 37333, Boone, IA 50037-0333.  You may also pay by phone at (607) 255-3021.

If you are unsure whether or not you have paid your dues for this year, you can ask either of us to check for you, or you can check the status of payment yourself by following these directions:

Go to https://cornellconnect.cornell.edu/
Click “Update my Profile.”
On the left side of the screen, click “Transaction History.” If you are using an Android mobile device, go to “Membership.” Your dues status will appear.

Please feel free to reach out to either one of us with any questions you may have regarding membership or dues. Again, please join.

We look forward to hearing from you. See you at our 50th and at any events before then! Go Big Red!

Patty von Reyn
Membership Co-Chair [Notable] Class of ’74 pbvonr@gmail.com

Dennis Langley
Membership Co-Chair [Notable] Class of ‘74 dlangley@hillsdaleinterests.com

Pay Class Dues by June 30, 2019

Now is the time to pay your class dues for 2019-20.  Due payers receive the award-winning Cornell Alumni Magazine and help support class activities.  TheMagazine is a great way to stay in touch with what’s going on at Cornell and with our class.  Pay dues on-line here, or mail a check made payable to our class to Box 37333, Boone, IA 50037-0333.  Dues are $60, $65 for a couple, or $30/$35 with no Magazine.

Class Dues for 2018-2019

Dear Classmates,

Since my daughter graduated from Cornell last year, I miss the frequent Ithaca visits to see the beautiful views and enjoy the memories they evoke. I am so thankful to be a part of the [Notable] Class of ’74. I met such amazing people during our years on the hill and through our reunions have made more friends with classmates who never crossed my path in the ‘70s.

That’s what makes our class dues so important. They support our class initiatives providing opportunities to get classmates together at events like reunions, Homecoming tailgates, receptions, and other functions around the country.
They make class communication—class website and monthly emails—possible, keeping us up to date with each other, the Cornell campus, and upcoming events. They provide the funds for our photo gallery and our greatest perk, reduced-price subscriptions to the award-winning Cornell Alumni Magazine.

Our [Notable] Class of ’74 dues remain the same as last year:

Individual — $60 with magazine or $30 Dues only

Class Couple — $65 with magazine or $35 Dues only

You may also sign up for Auto-Renewal and Cornell will charge your credit card on July 1 each year.

To pay by check, please fill out the dues card enclosed in your recent mailing and send your dues check to Cornell University, Box 37333, Boone, IA 50037-0333. Also consider a donation to our class scholarship, which makes it possible for a current student to afford the Cornell experience. You may also pay dues on-line here.

Plan to attend reunion in June 2019. I look forward to renewing friendships and building new ones! Send us suggestions for class activities throughout the year and for reunion. Hope to see you in June 2019 if not before!


Jodi Sielschott Stechschulte ’74 Membership Chair


Class Dues

As I write this, the Cornell campus is covered in a thick blanket of snow – enough to provide two snow days in a row (to the delight of my youngest child who is now a senior!)  Despite the winter weather, spring is just around the corner and it is time to think of renewing or paying your class dues.

Class dues support class activities, communications, and the award-winning Cornell Alumni Magazine, winner this year of a National Magazine award, which keeps us up to date on campus news and fellow alumni.  Dues help us connect with Cornell, our friends from our days on the hill and classmates we never met while we were in Ithaca.  Please consider renewing your dues now, and even joining those classmates who have selected auto renewal to enjoy the ease and simplicity of having your dues paid automatically.

Your dues costs remain the same this year:

Dues are $60 and include Cornell Alumni Magazine or $30 with no magazine.  For a class couple dues are $65 or $35 respectively.

Paying dues is easy:

To pay on-line go here.

This is where you will find the option to sign up automatically renew your dues each year if you like. If you are on dues auto-renewal, you should have recently received an email from Cornell reminding you that your credit card will be charged on July 1, 2017.

To pay your dues by check:  Make checks out to Cornell Class of 1974, and mail to: Cornell Class Dues, PO Box 25841, Lehigh Valley, PA, 18003-9695. (Make sure to not  class year and/or Cornell ID.)

Our class remains strong because we never give up on making and keeping Cornell and Class of ’74 connections. Thank you for being a part of that effort.   Thanks in advance for supporting our class!

If you have any questions about paying dues, please let me know!


Jodi Sielschott Stechschulte ’74

Membership Chair

Paying class dues

Dues help the Class to communicate and host events!  You can pay in two ways:  go online, or mail a check.

If you mail a check, make it payable to Cornell Class of 1974, and send to:
Cornell University, PO Box 25841, Lehigh Valley, PA 18003-9695

Dues are $60 per year, including a subscription to the Cornell Alumni Magazine.  Couples pay $65 per year. If you elect not to receive the Magazine, dues are $30.

Questions?  We have developed a series of FAQ’s about class membership, dues and benefits of paying dues. Or, contact Membership Chair Jodi (Sielschott) Stechschulte.   Or, call Alumni Affairs with questions about class membership: 607-255-3021.

Our class remains so strong because we never give up on making and keeping Cornell and Class of ’74 connections. Thank you for being a part of that effort.

Thanks for your support of our class!

Jodi (Sielschott) Stechschulte
Membership Chair [Notable] Class of ’74

FAQ: Questions about Membership

Questions about access to Cornell alumni services and our class dues?  We have created a list of Frequently Asked Questions.  Please contact us for more help!

  1. Why should I pay Class Dues?

You are forever a member of our [Notable] Class of 1974.  Nevertheless, paying class dues helps the Class stay strong.

  • When you pay dues, you are providing support to our [Notable] class for events and communications.
  • Dues are the only source of funds for our Class to plan and run activities.
  • Dues support class communications, such as mailings, postcards, and the website.
  • Dues-payers also receive the bimonthly Cornell Alumni Magazine. This independent award-winning alumni publication relies on class dues for subscriptions as a significant source of funding. Click here for the most recent issue.
  • Each issue of the Cornell Alumni Magazine contains news of classmates, compiled by our class correspondents. Click here to submit news for the magazine.
  • Dues-payers can join a national marketplace for discounts, the Big Red Marketplace, with access to hundreds of vendors.


  1. How much are the Class Dues?

Class dues are on an annual cycle: July 1 – June 30.  Dues are $60 for individuals and $65 for couples, who will receive a copy of the Cornell Alumni Magazine.  Dues are $30 for individuals who do not want a copy of the magazine.


  1. How do I pay Class Dues?

You can pay dues in two ways.

BY CHECK:  Payable to Cornell Class of 1974, and mailed to Cornell Class Dues, PO Box 25841, Lehigh Valley, PA 18003-9695.

ONLINE:  Click here.

Consider signing up for “Automatic Renewal” which will automatically charge you for dues each year.  see FAQ #5 below.


  1. I’m not sure if I have already paid my class dues. How do I know?

Class dues are different than the Cornell Annual Fund, and both are important!  The class dues cycle has recently been changed to align with the academic cycle of Cornell, which runs July 1 – June 30.  To find out if you are up-to-date with your Class dues, contact our Class of ’74 Membership Chair,  Jodi Sielschott Stechschulte.


  1. I thought I already signed up for “Automatic Renewal”, and how does it work?

With Automatic Renewal, your dues will be paid annually each May, until your credit card expiration date.  Automatic Renewal is offered as a convenience for classmates and is not required.   Because of recent changes to Cornell’s database management program, classmates who would like to use automatic renewal will have to sign up again and provide current credit card information for the 2016-17 dues year.





2015 New Student Reading Project: Slaughterhouse Five

Cornell alumnus Kurt Vonnegut ’44 is the author of the 2015 New Student Reading Project.  Class dues-payers can request a complimentary copy of the book, written in 1969.

Each year, all incoming students at Cornell spend part of Orientation Week in discussion groups and lectures focusing on a common reading.  For 2015, the reading selection continues the focus on Cornell’s 150th Anniversary by featuring a Cornell alumnus author, Kurt Vonnegut ’44.  All new students will be reading his anti-war novel, Slaughterhouse Five, written in 1969.  In many ways, these incoming students will be revisiting the same issues many of us were discussing as freshmen.  Read more about the book selection at the Cornell Chronicle..

In early summer, class dues payers will be given the option to receive a complimentary copy of the book. Look for a class email, or simply reserve your complimentary book here.  You’ll receive the book later in the summer.

Online resources, discussion questions, and webinars will connect you with the intellectual content that the new students are experiencing on campus. Look for these in-depth web resources to be developed by Cornell by the start of the fall semester.

Learn about past Reading Projects here.

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