65th Birthday Reunion







Save the dates of June 8-11, 2017 for a special 65th Birthday Reunion on the Cornell campus.

Reunion 2015 and 2014

Reunion Weekend is underway in Ithaca. You can see livestream events!  Or, re-visit our own 40th Reunion memories from 2014:  Cornell’s website captures all kinds of activities from 2014, while our class Reunion webpage has highlights for our class from last year!  Check out videos at our phanfare site. The “Then and Now” video was especially popular.

The 2015 Reunion is  targeted for the Classes of the 5’s and 0’s–i.e. the Class of 1975.  The 2015 Reunion will also have special Sesquicentennial events along with the last Reunion State of the University address by President David Skorton.

Top 40

Hear the TOP 40 songs selected by classmates during our 40th Reunion!

Do you hear that music? That’s the Class of 74’s Top Tunes Committee spinning up memorable music hits from the early 70’s. Make no mistake…our unofficial bandbox of a committee has eagerly gone about the task of tracking down and queuing up the great music of our undergraduate years, in anticipation of a music-filled 40th Reunion in June.

Deep into our committee work, we recognized our personal tastes didn’t reflect the wide range of musical tastes in our Notable Class. So we put aside our personal favorites (the Allman Brothers Band, everything from Motown, and Grateful Dead long versions) and came up with a new approach: We invited EVERY Classmate to submit your personal Top 5, 10 or 40 favorite songs from our undergrad days. We then compiled our first official Class-wide Top 40 for 40 playlist to enjoy at our 40th reunion and after.

Lucky for us, we met web-musicologist Bob Borst. Bob’s an Ithaca resident who’s graciously worked with us to launch a unique Class of 74 website that makes selecting your favorite 70’s songs simple and fun.

Happy listening!

Your Cornell 74 Top Tunes Committee,

Joe Kowalik      Jack Cutler     Tom Birch

With great support from our friend and web-musicologist, Bob Borst
And in memory of our classmate and fellow music-lover, Chuck Liff