Warm Memories of Cold Times, RED Talk Redux Reminder, CAU Summer

Shelley Cosgrove DeFord sends warm greetings with fun cold memories, a RED talk reminder and CAU Summer fun ideas


Class of '74 "Look Back" Webinar by Corey Earle Feb 12 at 8pm ET

Class President Jim Schoonmaker invites classmates to encore presentation of Corey Earle "Look Back" presentation at our 50th Reunion

Happy Holidays--Looking Back on our 50th and Forward to Many More!

Class Prsident Jim Schoonmaker wishes classmates a happy holiday season
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Meet our New Christopher Reeve Scholar--Ashley Alexander

Classmate Mary Berens introduces us to our new Christopher Reeve Scholar

Class Scholar Summer Parker-Hall '25 Leads CU Women's Basketball as they Open the Season

Classmate John Foote shares news that Cornell Women's Basketball lead by our Class Scholar Summer Parker-Hall '25 opens its season next week.

Memory Book Deadline Oct.30; Pres Kotlikoff Speech; Meet New '74 Pres

New Class President Jim Schoonmaker introduces himself and bring fall news
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Class of '74 Memory Book Deadline is October 15th--Don't Miss Out

50th Reunion Class President Shelley Cosgrove DeFord encourages all classmates to create their page in our Class of '74 Memory Book

Thanks for the Memories--Let's Keep Making More!

Outgoing Class President Shelley Cosgrove DeFord thanks the Class as she passes the baton to new Class President Jim Schoonmaker
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Closing the Books on our 50th Reunion

Outgoing President Shelley Cosgrove DeFord shares final RED Talk links and our outstanding Reunion Campaign results