45th Reunion Year Ending, Photos, Gifts & Ithaca Summer Fun

We’re still basking in the glow from our wonderful 45th Reunion celebration in Ithaca earlier this month.  With great weather and a strong turnout of classmates and friends/family, it’s no wonder the weekend was a success!  Whether you were there in person or in spirit, we hope your memories of our class and our time on the Hill are good ones.

Photos from Reunion weekend are being posted weekly by classmate and photo guru Bill Howard.  Check out our class photo site and send any photos—from Reunion, from your days at Cornell—to Bill at Bill@billhoward.com so we can add those pics to our class photo archive.

More than 700 classmates made a gift to Cornell on behalf of our 45th Reunion.  If you have not yet made a gift, you have only four days left—Cornell’s fiscal year ends June 30.  Please consider a donation of $45.00, or $19.74, or any amount, to any Cornell cause—scholarships, chimes, robotics, athletics, chorus, etc.  It’s easy–just click here to see the many options and choose one that matches your interests.  Do it now!  Thanks.

Ithaca is a great place to spend time in the summer.  The most recent Cornell Alumni Magazine features an information-rich piece on “161 Reasons to Come Back to Ithaca This Summer.”  Check out all the fun things to do—on campus, near campus, downtown and in the area— here.












As always, thanks for your support of Cornell and the Class of 1974.  Happy Summer!