Fall News from Campus

Fall reports from Cornell tell of a campus ablaze both in color and spirit.

Our [notable] class organized and hosted a fun Homecoming tailgate for the Classes of the ‘70s.  Over 160 alums from our decade joined the party.  Many thanks to classmates Roberta and Lou Walcer, Dale Lazar and grill master Walt Scott for putting on a successful, annual event.  Hope to see you there next year.

In her recent annual State of the University address, Cornell President Pollack reminded us that Cornell University was founded not only as a legacy but as an investment.  Ezra Cornell was “seeking a very specific return – to do the greatest good with his fortune, and to do it for posterity.”  Read more here.

The University is studying how to enlarge its public policy footprint.  One option is to transform the College of Human Ecology into the College of Public Policy.  This would have far-reaching implications for many departments currently in the College. For more information, check out FAQs.  Also read about student reactions here.  Things are happening fast, so if you have some thoughts about this, send an email to Hum Ec Dean Rachel Dunifon at red26@cornell.edu.

Did you know that Cornell has a wine program through which you can buy wine made by Cornell alums?  Our classmate Joan Heller, Chem E ‘74 and her husband Steve Heller, MS CALS ’74, owners of H-L-R Cellars, are among the Big Red vintners featured this fall.  Learn more here.

There’s still time to suggest a book for our own Class Reading Project.  Suggestions so far include books by Vonnegut, Salinger, Pynchon and several grads from the 70’s and 80’s, including a few classmate authors.  We’re working with the Cornell English Department to identify faculty to lead our book discussion.  Send book ideas to classmate Kristen Rupert at krup19@comcast.net.

Be sure to pay your 2019-20 Class Dues in order to continue receiving benefits such as Cornell Alumni Magazine (this month’s issue has terrific articles about the Vet College’s Wildlife Health Center, a Cornell Ag and Nutrition Institute in India, and the Big Red Band) and the book project.  Not sure if you’ve paid?  Contact classmate Jodi Sielschott Stechschulte at jodisteck@gmail.com.  To pay your dues on-line, just click here.

Wherever you are this fall, I hope you are enjoying the season!