Stay Engaged with Our Class and Pay Class Dues for ’21/22

What a year it’s been! The COVID-19 pandemic touched each of our lives in some way, and most of us felt the concomitant increase in isolation—not seeing family and friends as much or at all, missing our 50th high school reunions, canceling trips, dealing with health care issues alone, not being able to be there for others. But, with vaccines becoming more available, there is hope for an end to all of this.

The uptick of virtual gatherings during the pandemic certainly helped combat the isolation, but it’s so nice to actually be with people, isn’t it? Luckily, our Cornell 50th Reunion is a little over three years away, and we should be able to have large, in-person events by then. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have record-breaking attendance on campus? We think so.

Along those lines, we’d like to encourage you to join/rejoin our Class of 1974 for this coming year and to get active with our class. We have a number of virtual events planned, and it won’t be long before we’ll be able to add back in some in-person get-togethers.

Class dues are just $30 (or $35 for a couple). Note that there is no extra charge for the magazine this year because Cornell is launching a new alumni communications hub this summer (read all about it online) and the Cornell Alumni Magazine (CAM) is publishing its nal issue in May 2021.

Last year we asked you to help us make it to the #1 position for class membership. Well, we did it—we had more dues payers in the Class of 1974 than in any other class, from the Class of 1945 through to the Class of 2019 (well, we only squeaked by the Class of 1969 by 6 points and the Class of 1964 by 2 points, but it’s still good). Let’s keep our record going!

The easiest way to pay your dues is to pay online. Go to, and scroll down to “Pay class dues.” Alternatively, you can complete the enclosed dues card and pay via check (made payable to “Class of 1974”) or credit card. Mail it to Cornell University, Box 37333 Boone, IA, 50037-0333. You may also pay by phone at (607) 255-3021.

If you are accustomed to having your class dues paid by automatic renewal (AR), please note that you will have to sign up for that again because Cornell recently changed their dues system and canceled all ARs. Don’t worry. It’s easy to get back on the AR list. Just pay your dues as outlined above, then check off the box saying you want to renew annually to the same credit card number provided. You will be set for future years.

Don’t forget to stay in touch with our Class by visiting our website , or join our Facebook group, “Cornell Class of 1974.”

Stay healthy, and see you at the 50th in 2024!

Patty von Reyn
Membership Co-Chair [Notable] Class of ’74

Dennis Langley
Membership Co-Chair [Notable] Class of ‘74