Why we give to Cornell…

Class of 1974 Class Scholarship winner sends this beautiful letter of gratitude. Read it here and learn more about Garret Guillen and our Class Scholarship.

Academic Year 2015 — 2016
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Oelschlager and the entire Class of 1974,
As I approach my final semester at Cornell University I realize that there is no way I could have adequately expressed appreciation when I first received your gift that allowed me to enter this amazing campus over 3 years ago. I still remember having the discussion with my parents, after the initial elation of being admitted, about whether or not attending this renowned institution was financially feasible. After receiving aid coupled with scholarship funds from your donations I’ve been fortunate enough to enjoy every minute of my time at Cornell. Reflecting on all the experiences, the people, the classes, the campus, and all other aspects of the Cornell community I realize that it is time so valuable I couldn’t have known its worth as an incoming freshman and time that I hope to provide for another incoming freshman someday. As my brother goes through his freshman year at Cornell I try and explain to him the unique significance that his time at school will offer him because I am so excited that someone so close to me now has the same opportunity that I have enjoyed so greatly. Yet I experience difficulty trying to express my immense appreciation of my Cornell experience to him as I realize that his experience will also be unique and that he must find it on his own. I experience the same difficulty while trying to express my immeasurable gratitude to you and your colleagues who have made this experience possible for me. I now realize in my closing year that you have all sought to provide a student with such an incredible education because you all have received a similarly valuable gift in all of your own unique experiences at Cornell; and I now also carry that desire to share our Cornell community with others in need. I would like to thank you all again for allowing me to become a part of this amazing campus for the past 3 years; and I want to express my desire to continue to share this Cornell experience long past graduation.
With gratitude,
Garrett Guillen


New College of Business

President Garrett and Provost Michael Kotlikoff announced in December a proposal to create a new College of Business at Cornell.  This College would include the current Johnson Graduate School of Management, the undergraduate business program (called “Ag Ec” in our day, now called “Applied Economics and Management (AEM)”) which is now in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and the School of Hotel Administration.  To learn more about this proposal, which would require a change in the university by-laws, you may want to read both the official university announcement here and the Cornell Daily Sun articles and comments here.

Class of 1974 Christopher Reeves Scholar: Christine Bullen ’08

Christine hails from Colorado Springs, Colorado where she made her performing debut at age five playing a rat that gets blown up by a cannon in The Nutcracker. Seventeen years later, Christine received a BA in Theatre Arts from Cornell.

Since graduation, Christine has split her time between California and New York. On the west coast, she’s trained in improv comedy with The Groundlings and performed in San Francisco with sketch group Killing My Lobster, named the Bay Area’s best comedy group. In the Big Apple, she’s worked on indie films, shorts and webseries.

Christine returned to Cornell for the Class of 1974 40th Reunion. She gave a great, and very funny, recap of her time at Cornell during the Friday Trivia Night at the Class Headquarters.



Class of 1974 Scholarship

The Class of 1974 Scholarship was established in 1999 as part of our 25th Reunion campaign by Joan and Bob Oelschlager. Both the Class of 1974 Scholarship along with the Christopher Reeve Scholarship continue to be funded by many classmates as part of annual giving commitments.

Former Class of 1974 Scholarship Winners:

Garret Guillen ’16

Sabina Sattler ’12

Make a donation to the Class of 1974 Scholarship: this will be considered as part of the Class of 1974 giving totals.

Class of 1974 Scholar: Garrett Guillen ’16

Fall 2012

Dear Class of 1974,

I would like to begin by expressing the utmost sense of gratitude for your incredible generosity and the personal hospitality shown to me. An incoming freshman could not have asked for anything more and I will always remember the kindness of the members of your class.

My name is Garrett Guillen and I am honored to be the recipient of the Class of 1974 scholarship award. I am studying in the School of Industrial and Labor Relations. I am from Upland, California and I went to Damien High School in La Verne, California. I have two siblings: Kyle (15) and Claire (12). My parents are Manuel and Carole Guillen. I am very close to my family and consider them to be the most influential people in my life. They have always been there for me to motivate me and I attribute my success in large part to them.

As for my own personal endeavor, I am unsure of my specific career plans. My primary interest at this point is a possible career in law but I look to keep an open mind; as I delve into my studies my interests are sure to change. One goal I am sure of is to contribute as much as possible to the Cornell community because it has presented itself as such a bountiful opportunity to me; I only see fit that I give back what it is sure to provide for me. I would like to thank you again for your generosity and to express my excitement at being a member of the Cornell tradition.

Go Big Red!

Garrett Guillen ’16


Class of 1974 Scholar: Sabina Sattler ’12

May 2012: A Graduation Farewell from Sabina Sattler

Dear Class of 1974,

As finals’ week comes to an end I am anxiously awaiting the fun of Senior Week festivities, especially because I helped plan some of the activities as Chair of Day Trips. But then when I think of the final days of Convocation and Commencement, my happiness turns bittersweet. 

One honor that I was given for Commencement is that I will be one of the Class Council Banner bearers. I will have the privilege to walk at the front of the undergraduate procession. I cannot believe that my four years are over at Cornell. I have made so many memories from the classroom in Ithaca to overseas. 

I am proud to say that I am a part of the Teach for America 2012 Corps in Detroit, MI. I will be teaching secondary social studies, although I do not know exactly what grade yet. While teaching my own class, I will also be taking courses at Oakland University as a requirement for my teaching certification. This summer I will be in Chicago teaching one summer school class as a part of an intensive training and TFA preparation for leading my own classroom! 

I would like to again thank the Class of ’74 for making my time here at Cornell possible. 



7a sattler at grad copy

Make a Gift to Cornell

Cornell appreciates support, at any level, and every gift is important.  You can target your gift for a wide variety of programs and scholarships within Cornell. Some employers will match your gift!  Gifts from members of the Class of 1974 are “credited” to our class statistics, whether you give to a scholarship, your academic program, or any number of good causes at Cornell.  Further, as our class approaches retirement, Cornell can assist with Gift Planning as a way to maximize th

 Ways to Give Back to Cornell

Make a gift online, with our secure form.

Print this form, complete it, and mail it (PDF)

Gift Planning, for assistance in estate planning and ways to maximize the distribution of your estate to your heirs and to philanthropic causes, while minimizing taxes.

Call 1-800-279-3099 to give your credit card information to a member of Cornell’s giving staff

Mail a check to:
Cornell University
Box 25842
Lehigh Valley, PA18003-9692


Class of 1974 Breaks Records in Giving and in Participation

The Notable Class of 1974 broke records! Attendance: 272 classmates, and 400 registered classmates and guests!

Tower club donors: 108 classmates gave at the $5000 level or higher! The previous record belonged to the Class of 1973 and was 89. We’ve set a great standard for future classes.  Thanks to all classmates for their generosity.

40 for 40

40 Ways to Support Cornell for our 40th Anniversary

Many of you reading this are loyal financial supporters of our Alma Mater. Unfortunately, there are even more of you who are not.  When we ask classmates why they don’t write a check to Cornell (particularly in our 40th anniversary year) we usually get one of two answers;  a) “I forgot”, or b) “Cornell doesn’t need my money”.

Our response to the former is, consider yourself reminded  (and thank you). With respect to the latter, Cornell in fact does need your money, and your money, in anyamount, can make a difference to any one of thousands of programs, teams, organizations, students, etc. that make up Cornell.

Below is a list of just 40 of these places where Cornell needs your support.

We dare you to look at this list and not find at least one place that has made a difference in your life or the life of someone you know, and are willing to support with $40 (for our 40th anniversary).

Go towww.giving.cornell.edu/give and be sure to clearly designate the fund name in the “other designation” box.

And, if you can’t find something on the list that works for you, send us an email  (jhf25@cornell.edu) with your particular interest and we will search the list of 25,000 places at Cornell that might do the trick. (Or you can just make a gift to Cornell and rest assured it will be put to very good use.)

We dare you…and we thank you!

Mary Ellen Smith and John Foote,

Class of 74 Fund Reps

Ways to Give


Cornell Glee Club
ILR Scholarship Fund
Library Acquisitions
French Studies Program
China/Asia Pacific Program
Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future
WVBR / Cornell Radio Guild
Cornell Urban Scholars Program
Cornell University Library
Helen Newman Hall Fund
CBAA Scholarship
Touchdown Bear Statue
Men’s Ice Hockey Special Gifts
Cornell Chimes Gifts
Cornell Digital Collections
Theatre, Film And Dance Gifts
Women’s Ice Hockey Special Gifts
McGraw Tower Renovation Fund
Cornell Plantations Arboretum
Sheep Endowment Fund
Engineering Writing Improvements Fd
Cayuga’s Waiters Gift Fund
Women’s Resource Center
Dairy Cow Projects
Eastern Wine And Grape Archive
Enology And Viticulture Program
CU Sustainable Design
American Indian Program
Agua Clara Projects
Human Sexuality Collection
Risley Hall  Activities Fund
Dale Corson Scholarship
Class of 74 Scholarship
Christopher Reeve Class of 1974 Scholarship
Asian And Asian American (A3) Center
NYC Tech Campus Fund
Cornell Design League
Cornell in Washington
Elephant Listening Project