There are many reasons to give to Cornell; there are many ways to give to Cornell.

All gifts, for any area at any level, are truly appreciated!  The Class of 1974 prides itself on encouraging maximum PARTICIPATION:  your gift is important!  This year for our 50th Reunion our Class has an ambitious Reunion Fund goal of 774 donors.  Achieving this goal would set a new university record for 50th Reunion donor participation!

In 2019, for our 45th Reunion, our collective generosity established a university record, with 740 donors. We had more donors than any other Reunion class in 2019, and our 45th Reunion participation record still stands today! This effort has helped us sustain our [notable] reputation.  Continuing  to benefit from our experience on the Hill 50 years later, we’d like to repeat history and have the Class of 1974 pay it forward again with 774 [notable] gifts of any amount for any Cornell cause.

If you are not yet among our 50th Reunion donors, please get your name on the donor list (with a deadline of June 30), by making a gift in ANY amount to ANY area of Cornell.  Click here to do so.  Your gift will be counted as part of the [Notable] Class of 1974 totals helping us reach our 774-donor goal.  You may also want to view our class honor roll of donors, which will be regularly updated on-line and posted in prominent campus locations during Reunion weekend this June 6-9th. Thank you!

Ways to Give

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Cornell Giving Day--Supporting '74 Scholarships

On this year's Giving Day, Class President Shelley Cosgrove DeFord encourages classmates to consider a gift to our Class of '74 supported scholarships.

Giving Back--Academic Year End

Class Fund Chairs remind us to give back before the academic year end.
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Giving Back

Class Fund Chairs David Miller and Anne Wenzel ask us to consider a gift on Giving Day.
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Perseverance: Never Giving Up, and Always Giving Back

Class President Shelley Cosgrove DeFord shares stories of Cornell's perseverance and saves the date for Cornell Giving Day
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Class Scholar Wendi Gonzalez '21--Her Cornell Journey

Shelley Cosgrove DeFord shares Wendi's Cornell Journey as she enters her final year at Cornell
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Class Scholar Wendi Gonzalez Sends Greetings

Wendi, entering her final year at Cornell, reports on her summer internship
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Bad News, Sad News, Good News & Giving Day

Class President Shelley Cosgrove DeFord brings news from campus and introduces our Bosch Award winners and their Giving Day message

Our New Christopher Reeve Scholar

Kristen Rupert shares this fun introduction from our new Christopher Reeve Scholar

Class of '74 Supports Cornellians--Meet Our Scholars

We were delighted that our Scholars joined us at our 45th Reunion. If you didn't meet them there, meet them here. They make us very proud.

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