Cornell in Space and in Boston
Class President Dale Lazar share exciting Cornell NASA news and information about a Boston event and Reunion
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Shelley Cosgrove DeFord contributed a whooping 133 entries.
Class President Dale Lazar share exciting Cornell NASA news and information about a Boston event and Reunion
Class President Dale Lazar sends New Year’s greetings
Class President Dale Lazar discusses President Pollack, 3 new Deans and gets us ready for Reunion
Our Class VP of Social Media Bill Howard was on campus for the Rhodes Awards dinner and Homecoming. He reports here.
Class President Dale Lazar shares news about our 45th Reunion
Class President Dale Lazar talks Ithaca summer, upcoming class events and new campus housing.
Class VP Kristen Rupert reports on Graduation, a Class party at Reunion, and our classmate award winners.
Class President Dale Lazar updates classmates on a class dinner June 9 in Ithaca, summer courses and reminds classmates to pay dues.
Class Membership Chair Jodi Sielschott Stechschulte reminds you that 2018-19 dues are due by June 30th and tells you how to pay.
Class President Dale Lazar sends our Class Scholar’s news, talks Philly class event and Reunion pre-planning.