50th Reunion Update
Reunion Co-Chair John Foote provides the latest Reunion details
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Shelley Cosgrove DeFord contributed a whooping 133 entries.
Reunion Co-Chair John Foote provides the latest Reunion details
It’s our big 50 and we have a great team reaching out to classmates to encourage everyone to attend the Reunion and to participate in our Memory Book. Mary “Mi” O’Connell and Diane “Kope” VerSchure are leading this effort and have engaged these classmates as Affinity Leaders. See Affinity Leaders below. Please feel free to […]
Class President Shelley Cosgrove DeFord wishes our classmates a happy holiday season and a wonderful 50th Reunion year!
Memory Book Co-Chairs Marleen Kay Davis and Diane “Kope” VerSchure and Class President Shelley Cosgrove DeFord invite classmates to participate in the Cornell Class of ’74 Memory Book.
Our 50th Reunion Campaign Chairs Andrea Glanz and Jim Irish hosted a webinar on tax-smart giving on Thursday, November 30th. Amy Jacobsen and Rebecca Page Johnson from the Cornell Gift Planning Team gave a presentation on ways that classmates can give in tax-smart ways. Jim, Andrea and our Fund representative Jordan Martin Clark moderated the […]
Class President Shelley Cosgrove DeFord wishes the class a Happy Thanksgiving and reminds us about an upcoming webinar on tax-smart giving
50th Reunion Co-Chair John Foote talks about campus now, photos from our era, AI and hotel rooms for Reunion weekend
Reunion Chair John Foote shares campus and Reunion news
Hoping to get classmates excited for our 50th Reunion, the Class is highlighting notable classmates doing notable things.
Our 50th Reunion Chairs Bob Baldini, Cris Cobaugh and John Foote remind us that our 50th is just one year away and introduce our theme–“Dancing in the Moonlight: The Notable Class at 50.”