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Sharing--Upcoming Events, COVID Experiences, Cornell Concerts of the '70s

Class President Shelley Cosgrove DeFord shares news of upcoming events and class outreach to share COVID experiences
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Summertime Feelings

Class President Shelley Cosgrove DeFord shares fun summer Cornell activities and other campus news
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Rain, Rain Go Away---Oh Who Cares About a Little Rain

Class President Shelley Cosgrove DeFord remembers our 45th Reunion and introduces the 2020 Virtual Reunion
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Graduation Reminiscences from June 1974

As many are attending virtual graduations these weeks, classmate Kristen Rupert remembers our graduation from June 1974
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Live Together, See Together, Know Together

Class President Shelley Cosgrove DeFord asks us to think about how we are living, seeing and knowing together during the time of COVID
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Finding Joy

Class President Shelley Cosgrove DeFord encourages you to share the joy you are finding during these tough times
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Sweet Connections During a Bitter Time

Class President Shelley Cosgrove DeFord wishes us some sweetness during the Passover and Easter season and shares how classmates are keeping connected
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Good News April 1970 Edition

Class President Shelley Cosgrove DeFord shares a fun look back on the days we got our Cornell acceptance letters, 50 years ago, and other good news during these trying times