Sharing--Upcoming Events, COVID Experiences, Cornell Concerts of the '70s
Class President Shelley Cosgrove DeFord shares news of upcoming events and class outreach to share COVID experiences

Summertime Feelings
Class President Shelley Cosgrove DeFord shares fun summer Cornell activities and other campus news

Rain, Rain Go Away---Oh Who Cares About a Little Rain
Class President Shelley Cosgrove DeFord remembers our 45th Reunion and introduces the 2020 Virtual Reunion

Graduation Reminiscences from June 1974
As many are attending virtual graduations these weeks, classmate Kristen Rupert remembers our graduation from June 1974

Live Together, See Together, Know Together
Class President Shelley Cosgrove DeFord asks us to think about how we are living, seeing and knowing together during the time of COVID

Finding Joy
Class President Shelley Cosgrove DeFord encourages you to share the joy you are finding during these tough times

Sweet Connections During a Bitter Time
Class President Shelley Cosgrove DeFord wishes us some sweetness during the Passover and Easter season and shares how classmates are keeping connected

Good News April 1970 Edition
Class President Shelley Cosgrove DeFord shares a fun look back on the days we got our Cornell acceptance letters, 50 years ago, and other good news during these trying times

[Notable] Classmate Cynthia Cuffie elected to CU Board of Trustees
Cornell alumni voted. Read more here.