Cornell’s President Elizabeth Garrett Dies at Age 52.
Cornell University President Elizabeth Garrett died March 6 from colon cancer. She was 52. Read more here.
Cornell University President Elizabeth Garrett died March 6 from colon cancer. She was 52. Read more here.
Class of 1974 Class Scholarship winner sends this beautiful letter of gratitude. Read it here and learn more about Garret Guillen and our Class Scholarship.
President Garrett and Provost Michael Kotlikoff announced in December a proposal to create a new College of Business at Cornell. This College would include the current Johnson Graduate School of Management, the undergraduate business program (called “Ag Ec” in our day, now called “Applied Economics and Management (AEM)”) which is now in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and the School of Hotel Administration. To learn more about this proposal, which would require a change in the university by-laws, you may want to read both the official university announcement here and the Cornell Daily Sun articles and comments here.
The Inaugural Address of the 13th President of Cornell, Elizabeth Garrett, can be read or viewed here. You may learn more about President Garrett on her Office of the President web page.
The Cover Story of the Summer 2015 edition of Ezra Magazine highlights Cornellians on the West Coast. Three members of the Class of 1974 are featured: John Williams ’74, who founded Frog’s Leap Winery; Mort Bishop ’74, President of Pendleton Woolen Mills, and entrepreneurs Bill McAleer ’73, MBA ’75 and his wife, Colleen McAleer ’74.
Charter Weekend in Ithaca culminated a year of celebration for Cornell’s 150th Birthday.
For a full recap, see Cornell’s website.
See this video tribute that sums up the learning and living experience that is Cornell.
150 year timeline, compiled by Cornell.
The once-in-a-Sesquicentennial group, the Cronell Global Choir, is the first collegiat organization in the world to perform its school’s Alma Mater virtually, during Charter Weekend. See it here.
Randee Mia Berman ’74 honors Cornell in her Huff Post Blog. This blog focuses on Cornell’s 150th Anniversary.
Read this special limerick by classmate Randee Mia Berman. The limerick honors Cornell’s 150th anniversary and was published in the Cornell Chronicle.
A recent fire has destroyed two buildings, although, thankfully, no deaths nor serious injuries have been reported. The fire broke out in the early morning hours at the site of the well known Chapter House on Stewart Avenue. Read about the fire in the Cornell Chronicle. Two Class of 1974 alumni are quoted in an article about Alumni reactions, in the Cornell Daily Sun. Finally, give support for efforts to rebuild the Chapter House in an online forum.
The Spring 2015 issue of the Cornell Alumni Magazine is a special sesquicentennial issue and features a wonderful article about a no-time-constraints dinner party honoring 24 of the most notable Cornellians. Christopher Reeve ’74 sits two chairs over from Ezra, across from Kurt Vonnegut, next to astronaut Mae Jemison and Nobel winner Pearl Buck. Also included is a photo honoring 156 of Cornell’s most respected current faculty. Our classmates Nina Bassuk ’74, Horticulture; Barry Strauss ’74, History; and Mariana Wolfner ’74, molecular biology and genetics, are members of this august group.
Cornell Alumni Magazine has a new editor, Jenny Barnett, who is producing a fond, funny, readable, objective view of Cornell for Magazine readers. Kudos to our [Notable] classmate Bill Howard ’74 who is Chair of the Cornell Alumni Magazine Committee. This is the oversight body for the independent alumni publication, one of the oldest in the country.
To receive this great magazine over the next year, you need to pay your class dues. Dues also support our class.
Each issue of the Cornell Alumni Magazine also contains news of classmates, compiled by our class correspondents. Click here to submit news for the magazine.